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Ноты: Queen — Fat bottomed girls скачать, смотреть онлайн

Queen — Fat bottomed girls - Ноты онлайн

Категория: Ноты для фортепиано зарубежной музыки.

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Автор произведения: Queen.
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Текст песни «Queen — Fat bottomed girls»

Are you gonna take me home tonight
Ah, down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go ’round
Hey, I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman you made
A bad boy out of me, hey hey
I’ve been singing with my band
Across the wire across the land
I seen every blue eyed floozy on the way
But their beauty and their style
Went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time
Oh, won’t you take me home tonight?
Oh, down beside your red firelight
Oh, and you give it all you got
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go ’round
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go ’round
Hey, listen here
Now your mortgages and homes
I got stiffness in the bones
Ain’t no beauty queens in this locality
(I tell you)
Oh, but I still get my pleasure
Still got my greatest treasure
Heap big woman you gonna make
A big man out of me, now get this
Oh, you gonna take me home tonight
Oh, down beside your red firelight
Oh, you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go ’round
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin’ world go ’round
Get on your bikes and ride
Ooh yeah, them fat bottomed girls
Fat bottomed girls, yeah, yeah, yeah
Fat bottomed girls, yes, yes

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  • 9-06-2018, 12:25
  • Просмотров: 1 921

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