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Ноты: Queen — 39 скачать, смотреть онлайн

Queen — 39 - Ноты онлайн

Категория: Ноты для фортепиано зарубежной музыки.

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Автор произведения: Queen.
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Текст песни «Queen — 39»

In the year of thirty-nine’ assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen.
And the night followed day, and the story tellers say
That the score brave souls inside
For many a lonely day sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back, never feared, never cried
Don’t you hear my call, though you’re many years away
Don’t you hear me calling you, write your letters in the sand
For the day I’ll take your hand, in the land that our grand-children knew
In the year of thirty-nine’, came a ship from the blue
The volunteers came home that day, and they bring good news
Of a world so newly born, though their hearts so heavily weigh
For the earth is old and grey, little darling we’ll away
But my love this cannot be…
Oh so many years have gone, though I’m older than a year
Your mothers eyes from your eyes cry to me
Don’t you hear my call, though you’re many years away
Don’t you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand, for the day I’ll take your hand
In the land that our grand-children knew
Don’t you hear my call, though you’re many years away
Don’t you hear me calling you, all your letters in the sand
Cannot heal me like your hand, for my life still ahead… pity me

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  • 4-06-2018, 16:33
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